Rockdale-Newton Driving School
1728 Hwy 138 SE
Suite 100
Conyers, GA 30013
Office: (770) 922-0087
Fax: (404) 592-4621
DT601 RRP10125 DI2145

RNDS has friendly and professional instructors. They are well-educated persons with pleasant personality. Treat customer as best friend is their philosophy as the instructors. They know the best way to teach driving is using the conditioning technique of instruction with sense of compassion. All Instructors are licensed by the State of Georgia.
Rockdale-Newton Driving School acquires professional instruction techniques and procedures with simple sequences to coach you. You will learn faster with the simple sequences of practice to build your safe driving skills. Believe it or not, it is simple and easy while experiencing. Rockdale-Newton Driving School assists every single customer like you learn to drive safely and then pass-road test as requirement.
You will be satisfying by being relaxed and free yourself to practice the simple sequence and easy techniques Instructor will guide you through. You will be experiencing safety and satisfaction. The instructors professionally know how to train you with the simple sequences of the procedures to learn to drive safely to and get your Driver's License.
ROCKDALE-NEWTON DRIVING SCHOOL has an insurance coverage insured by Cotton States Insurance Company. The insurance covers any of your loss due to an accidence, which may accidentally happen during the course of practice. You just feel free from a liability.
At the enrollment as an account was paid in full. And if you fail to receive the service or withdraw prior to the service commence, the refund policy is as the following:
A. If the service is discontinued or the enrollment is not accepted by SIMS, all money paid will be refunded.
B. Upon receiving a written notice of cancellation within 5 business days to the beginning of the service, all money paid will be refunded.
C. When the refund is given the enrolled services being automatically canceled with all obligations and liabilities.
D. Refund is not given if a student fails to receive the service due to excessive absences or violation to the written policy.
E. Thirty three percent of the total fee deposit is required, in case the total account cannot be paid, and pay off when the bill is due.
For On-Road-Driving; Rockdale- Newton Driving School will pick you up and drop you off at your preferable place in town; at home, at work, at school, at store. At a bus or train station if you live out of our prime business location.

Rockdale Newton Driving School is a member of the National Safety Council. All of our programs are State certified.